Lesson Items

Interactive Content to Build Engaging Lessons

ConveYour offers multiple types of content you can add to your course/campaign within lessons. These Lesson Items are sometimes referred to as "engagement formats" because they are the various formats you can use to "engage" your audience with your content.

When you are configuring your lesson, the Engagement Formats are listed as the LESSON ITEMS you can drag to the lesson stage to create an engaging learner experience!

The Edit Lesson menu in ConveYour.adding lesson items within a lesson

The following is a summary list of the lesson items, aka engagement formats, you can add to your lesson.

Text Content

Explanation text, introductory text, or follow-up instructions, use text with basic formatting options to add to your lesson.

Video Content

Add a video lesson to your course. If you have the sharing URL from Vimeo, YouTube, Wistia, Vidyard or Sprout

Audio Content

Record audio or upload a .mp3 of existing audio content to share stories and podcasts, emphasize a point, or simply include an audio-only version of the lesson for adaptive learning.

Embed URL

Embed just about anything on the Web by using the embed code provided. Sites like SoundCloud, or other content hosting sites will often provide you with "embed code" that you can copy and paste into this embed feature. This allows you to embed relevant web pages, or other hosted content such as SoundCloud audio, directly into your lesson.


Create a call to action by adding a custom button that invites users to "Click here to learn more" or other action, simply by using the button feature, and associating a Web address (URL) with the button where you want to send them.

Challenge Questions

Multiple choice, one correct answer, keep trying until correct, and you can set bonus points for answering quickly and accurately (speed bonus).


Multiple-choice, answers are subjective so no answer is more valuable than any other.

Assessment Questions

Like a poll, but each answer can have a different point value. Great when all answers are possible, but one answer is the better answer than the others. Another use case might include separating people into groups based on their answer to this question. People can be added to a group based on conditionals that use point values assigned to each answer, to sort them into a group.

Missing Words Challenge

Quiz learners on recently learned vocabulary, slogans, mantras, and concepts.

Order Challenges

Sort the jumbled list to the correct order. Keep trying until you get it right. Great for learning sequences of steps.

Stats Trackers

Help people track important behaviors and goals, daily, weekly, or monthly.

Social Media Posts

Prep a social post. Give points to your participants for sharing! Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn

Fill in the Blank

The good ol' fill in the blank. It's a classic! Great for concepts that multiple-choice would too easily give away the answer.


Set up a simple checklist. Give points for completion! Assign points to each sub-task completed.

Open Ended Questions

Sometimes you just want to get a qualitative answer from your participants. View answers in "stats".

Add a File

Send Content through lessons by uploading a file or image - add value to your course!

Video Upload

Invite participants to record a video from their desktop or mobile device. This can be used to add reactions or to demonstrate core competencies in a skill they are learning. This is a premium service, ask us for pricing!


Embed a short survey or questionnaire you have built-in Typeform. Pass hidden field values for sending ConveYour learner data through to Typeform.

Update Learner Profile

Send short questions encouraging existing learners and participants in your ConveYour courses to add a little bit more data about themselves, such as a mobile phone, or company name, that you need for your database.

Calendly Widget

Allow learners to schedule meetings directly with you - minus the email back and forth!

Use SCORM Packages

Do you have an existing SCORM compliant course that you want to leverage the convenient mobile format ConveYour offers? Contact us to learn how you can upload a SCORM package into ConveYour for easy conversion.

Send a Text

Schedule a text message to go out to learners within a course, including announcements, quick messages of encouragement, or reminders.

Send an Email

Emails can be scheduled to go out to individuals, or to multiple learners as part of a campaign/course - such as a welcome email. You can also schedule emails to go out to a particular segment of your contacts using a group automation!

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