Video Support
For many applications and use cases - video is the preferred communication format! And there is nothing more frustrating when sharing your content, that is likely hosted in multiple arenas such as YouTube, Vimeo and Wistia, only to realize that your communications application supports just 2 of these! That's why ConveYour offers support for multiple video hosting platforms. We not only support YouTube and Vimeo, but also Wistia, Sprout, and newer Web-Apps like VidYard's GoVideo.
Where this flexibility really shines is within lessons. Scenario - Say you are creating a course and you have existing videos - but some are hosted in Vimeo, and others are hosted in YouTube. For each lesson, you simply drag the video item to the lesson canvas. All you need is the sharing URL (link) - provided by YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia, etc. for you to copy and paste that link into the space provided in the video item. This is wonderful news for those of you who have some content hosted in one video platform and other video content hosted with another.
The demonstration video included shows you how to use the video item on the lesson canvas and adding the URL**, then saving and testing the lesson.
**Note: Most video hosting platforms offer controls to make content private - learn more by checking out the links below. If you get stuck or need advice - please reach out to our support team. We are happy to help you make good hosting choices.
ConveYour offers a lot of flexibility to content creators on how the video is served to the learners.
Custom Start and Stops.
ConveYour offers the ability to show only a portion of a video. This is helpful when you want the learner to focus on a very short segment of a larger video that you have recorded, in order to make your point. Shorter is better when it comes to communication of key points. You can set custom start and stop points by enabling that option.
Focus Learner Attention.
Choose whether or not to showcase the video by itself, or have it appear on the same page as context text preceding it.
Encourage Completion.
Need to adhere to compliance standards? Make this video a 'must watch' video which will enforce watching of this video in its entirety before allowing the learner to move forward.
Protect Intellectual Property.
Does your content contain proprietary information that you don't want readily available for public consumption? Hosting private video ensures that videos are not searchable - yet can still be embedded in ConveYour lessons. **see note below
This wider level of video support allows you greater flexibility, and multiple options when designing your course.
In the demo video above we show more specific how-to's on using some of these services while building lessons in ConveYour. Adding video URL's (links) into your standard triggered content follows a similar copy and paste process.
Support for Multiple Aspect Ratios
Links to retrieving the correct URL for your videos:
For Wistia (direct link):
Wistia Private videos:
For Vimeo (direct link for Premium, Business or Pro accounts):
For Vimeo public video link sharing:
For YouTube:
We suggest setting your videos to "unlisted" if you do not want them available for public consumption. If you believe having your videos publicly available might be beneficial for your business, then just keep them set to the default public setting and copy the video's link. Then you can use that video link in your ConveYour Lesson video URL.
YouTube -on finding and setting Private and Unlisted videos on YouTube:
YouTube help doc:
YouTube -on sharing videos and getting the correct link:
For VidYard's GoVideo:
This handy extension for Google Chrome can be used to record you and your screen - for immediate publishing. It's great for little quick messages to team members, and ConveYour supports the GoVideo link - all from your Chrome browser! Info on the Chrome Extension:
For Sprout:
When using the video item engagement: You will want to copy the URL from the embed code, between the quotes, where the source video src='URL' portion of the code, and paste that into your video item URL.
You can also use the Embed URL item in your lesson, and use the embed code to embed the video in your lesson:
Sprout video embeds:
Know that we are committed to supporting you and your content creation by giving you many options to choose from. Now... go forth and create!