Send Your First Poll

Sometimes it's helpful to gather opinion or consensus on a topic before or after you discuss it with your group.

Animated GIF of a user selecting a Here are a couple of scenarios in which sending a poll through ConveYour can be helpful:

Poll Employees About Workplace Improvements or Changes/Suggestions

Gather some ideas related to the work situation. Learn how many would prefer to work from home vs. work on site. See which of the most recent suggestions from the suggestion list would get the most traction, or would be the most popular.

Poll Field Reps To Learn What They Need, Or How They Can Be Supported

Maybe you have heard some noise about tools, technology or resources that can help your reps in the field. Find out which resources are the most needed, and equip your sales team to succeed!

Poll the Audience Before a Presentation:

This is a great way to create an ice-breaker and talking point to start off a presentation. By understanding where the audience stands on an issue - before you present about that issue can be very powerful, and involves the audience even before the event.

Poll the Audience After a Presentation:

Follow-up a great presentation to find out if opinions have shifted, or how the audience received the information, or even find out which areas of the presentation were not understood or could have been presented better for next time!

Poll Students Taking a Course

If you are creating a learning module, sometimes a poll can involve the students on a different level. And, if you show the students how their answer stacks up by percentage alongside other participants in the course - they can feel more involved and see that they "are not alone" in their opinion.

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Create Your First Poll In A ConveYour Lesson!

Learn more about creating lessons - and include a poll as part of your lesson plan. A poll is just one of many lesson items available in ConveYour Lessons.