Schedule a Text Message for a Group

Do you have a short message that you want to send to a segment of your contacts or work group? Email might get ignored, but this message is important, so sending via SMS (text) message is potentially the best solution to alert them to the information. Use an automation to schedule that text message!

Of course, if your group prefers email delivery, or if you don't have mobile numbers for your group, the process described below also works for the send email automation.

Sending a Text Message to an Existing Group - Overview

To Review: In Automations > Select New Automation at the top right of the screen

  • Select "Create" for Send New Text Message

  • Add a name for this automation like "send photo to the team"

  • Select group to receive the message

  • Select a time in the near future (default is today's date and choosing a time to release) or select a different date in the future, and select a time, and timezone for the message to release.

  • Select "How will the automation run". If you choose "Once", this will send the message only once to the people in your selected group. Reoccurring sends are the other option. Every new person who matches those group conditions will be sent the text, as long as the automation is live.

  • Then add your message.

  • Click "Review" at top right, and ensure the time, date, and contacts affected matches your intent. If so, hit the "Launch" button at top right. If not, then use the back arrow to go back and make appropriate adjustments.

But what if you haven't created this group yet? You can follow the same procedure above - but establish the group as you work....

Sending an Automated Text Message to a New Group

For example, you can quickly create a group for your campaign/course participants, division, branch, clients, etc and schedule to text message within the automation.

The Draft Automation menu in ConveYour with an arrow pointing to

Setting up a group on demand requires creating conditions that match the group you wish to send to. In other words, you are training the program to look for certain attributes and create a group from those attributes.

Note: The process below would also apply to scheduling an email blast - you would simply select "Send Email" as your automation type.

Want to learn our Best Practices for sending SMS Texts? Check out this Help Doc on SMS Best Practices!