Schedule ALERTS via Email

This is different from just sending an email to a contact. Instead, this allows you to setup alerts for yourself and others when a contact meets a certain condition.

Use Cases

  • Setup alerts for you and your team when someone answers "I need help now!" in a poll.

  • Email to a list of managers when a sales rep (a contact), records low results.

  • Play matchmaker! Email specific local service providers when new contacts are added to your ConveYour system and the contact's state matches the service provider's state.

To begin - in Automations, select NEW (top right of you browser window):
An empty Automations menu in ConveYour.Select NEW automation

Select Email Notification, and click CREATE:
Creating a new email notification in ConveYour

Get Alerts When Contacts Are Added to a Group

When a contact meets the conditions that you set for a group, then an email alert goes out. In these cases - you typically create a group, setting conditions that have not yet occurred. In other words, you will be creating a group in anticipation of contacts meeting the requirements to be part of that group.

Here is an example of an email notification to the Human Resources director when a new team member is added to the product team:
Drafting a new email automation in ConveYour and specifying which team it will go to.

Target a Group

If the intention is to create a group of New Hires, hired less than 3 days ago...

Let's assume you have a custom field in your contact list called 'hire date', and the data type is "date".
Creating hire date as a custom field

In the Automation, after giving your Automation a Name, you will need to select a group.

Let's also assume you have already created a group "New Hires" based on 'Hire Date' with the parameters you set to "less than" and type the number 3 in "days ago":
Setting a group based on people hired in the last three days in ConveYour.Group based on those hired within the last 3 days

You Select The New Hires Group about whom you want someone in HR to be alerted:
Selecting a new hires group to send notifications in ConveYourAlerts a collaborator in HR when a new team member is added

Who Do You Want the Email Send To?

In the image above, we have entered a placeholder address under "List of email addresses who should receive this notification" [email protected]. Instead of that placeholder, enter the email address that you need to alert when a New Hire matches the condition (hire date = less than 3 days ago) and is added to that group. Add additional emails by separating the email addresses with a comma.

What Do You Want the Email to Say?

Select your preferred sender for this email alert under "Which sender should be used", and add the message you would like - in order to notify the person that a new hire is in the system and action needs to be taken.

Creating a notification email in ConveYour.simple note sent to the collaborator

Related Reads

-Creating Custom Contact Fields in Settings

-Creating Groups

-Automations for Groups and Adaptive Learning

-Intro to email in ConveYour