Add/Remove Tags

TAG groups allow us even more flexibility to organize our larger list of contacts into smaller manageable groups that we can message, add or remove from campaigns, track their progress, or email.

Jumping right in.... I'm going to use an automation to add a custom tag to a group of coworkers.

I need to sort my coworkers into a group - and tag them with internal.

Automations > New (located at the top right)

An empty automations menu in ConveYourThen choose > Create Add/Remove tags

Adding or removing tags in ConveYour

Name the Action

  • Give this automation an action-based name like: “Tag ConveYour coworkers with Internal” NOTE: the name of the automation has nothing to do with the name of your group of contacts affected. It's simply a reference for you - your intent/action for the automation.

Creating a draft automation in ConveYour

Who is Affected By This Action?

  • Next - Create a group of contacts who will benefit from this action. Click Create New Group to begin (Create Group pops-up). In the example below, we tell the system to find everyone who has Conveyour listed as their 'company' using simple conditions. In this case, we are basing the group on commonly used attributes or "fields" in your database of contacts.

Animated GIF of creating a new group in ConveYour

  • In the "create group" pop-up I named this group "coworkers"

  • Next - I set the condition by clicking on the attribute list drop-down, and scroll until I find company to select it. If I start typing the word company... that choice is revealed to select it.

  • For the operator I will select 'is'

  • And the value I will select from the dropdown by beginning to type the company name c - o - n... until I can see and can select 'conveyour'.

  • the tab on the right side shows the number of contacts selected in parenthesis. It updates as I add conditions. I'm going to click on this tab to verify and make sure this selected group seems to match my condition.

Narrowing the Group Size With Additional Conditions

One more example to really drive this concept home. Let's get a little fancy and add one more condition. Let's also add the condition “AND first name is Jason”. And notice our count has updated to 1 for this group. We haven't removed Jason from our larger list of contacts, nor have we added him to a new list of contacts. We are simply finding ways to sort contacts and view them in different ways.

Configuring a new group in ConveYourIn this case, we don't need that level of granularity so I am going back to my conditions, and removing that last condition. Click the X to the right of any condition you don't want to remove it.

Hit save on the bottom right of the "create group" modal window. Note that the new group I made is now selected in the left column - "coworkers" is highlighted in blue with a checkmark to let me know it is selected. I can continue to schedule my automation and add the custom tag.

Schedule Automation, Review and Launch

I can set this automation to occur right away by making my date and time selections, and set this action to occur once. Here is how it looks in context of the draft automation:

Adding or removing tags via automation in ConveYourOn the right side I enter the tag I want to add typing...."internal" and then, I'll click review.

Upon review - I again get the opportunity to verify that the group looks correct to me - and I can launch this automation.

If all looks correct I select Launch!

Reviewing a ConveYour automation before launchI just accomplished two things:

1) I created a group called coworkers - which is helpful. I can send messages to that group. I can add that group to an internal training course - or send them updates.

2) I added the custom tag called 'internal' to their profiles. So if I were to send out marketing messaging to contacts on this platform that coworkers don't need to be hit with, it's easy for me to exclude everyone who is tagged 'internal'.

Contacts Self-Organize Using Tag Groups

Knowing this about tags.... you can also proactively create tag groups for people to self-organize into a tag group for further messaging, when they meet the condition.

One scenario would be a speaker or influencer, that wants to invite their Zele event attendees to sign-up for a free offer, and be in the know for further communications going forward.

Next, the speaker would set up a tag group - let's call it 'zele'.

In Contacts > Groups go to 'Create New Group'

Naming a new group in ConveYourAt the event, the speaker would simply ask attendees to send a text message to their ConveYour account mobile number, including the hashtag #zele.

Attendees would text #zele to the ConveYour mobile number offered on screen (or verbally) at the end of the talk. When the attendees do this - they are immediately prompted to update their contact information. That way - the system can associate their name and email now with their mobile number, AND puts them in the tag group already created - "Zele Event".

This is just one way to use ConveYour tags to pre-organize incoming contacts.

Another scenario, would be a large work group, where a manager wants new hires to sign up to receive specific messaging based on their interests. Employees could be invited via email to send a text to the work groups ConveYour # with a hashtag related to their interest in marketing, sales, leadership development, or public speaking. That way as related announcements or articles come up - it's easy to reach out to those interest tag groups.

There are many ways to use tags, and as always, if you want help with ideas on how you can use tag groups to your advantage - please drop us a line!

Want to find out more about using tag groups? Learn More ...TAG groups allow us even more flexibility to organize our larger list of contacts into smaller manageable groups that we can message, add or remove from campaigns, track their progress, or email.

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