Working with Tag Groups

What Are Tag Groups?

Tag Groups allow employees, contacts, reps, or learners to self-organize into interest-based groups using hashtags via text message. These groups help streamline messaging, sort incoming leads, and personalize communication.

Tag Groups vs. Regular Groups

Tag Groups function similarly to regular Groups, but with key differences:

  • Tag-Based Filtering: A Tag Group is defined by a single filter condition (e.g., Tag = Sales).

  • Self-Sorting via SMS: Contacts can join Tag Groups by texting a hashtag to your ConveYour number.

  • Dynamic Organization: The Tag determines group membership in real time.

Tag Groups are an effective way to categorize both existing and new contacts.

How Tag Groups Work

Step 1: Create a Tag Group

  • Navigate to ConveYour > Groups > New > Tag Group.

  • Set your Group Name and Folder.

  • Choose your Tag.

Step 2: Let Contacts Join via SMS

  • Provide your ConveYour phone number to your audience.

  • Users text a hashtag (e.g., #sales) to join the relevant group.

  • Use Automations to send a confirmation reply.

Use Cases for Tag Groups

1. Employee Interest Groups

A small business wants to send targeted content to employees based on department.


Send a message to all employees:

"Hi everyone! To receive targeted updates, reply with the hashtag that matches your interests: #sales #marketing #recruiting"

  • Employees reply with their selected hashtag.

  • They are automatically added to the correct Tag Group.

2. Self-Sorting Existing Contacts

Existing contacts can join Tag Groups by simply replying to a text.

Example Acceptable Replies:

  • #sales

  • That would be great! #sales

  • Yes! Add me to both #sales and #marketing

No additional contact details are required since their profiles already exist.

3. SMS Lead Capture

Tag Groups can function as a lead capture system via text message.


You use ConveYour to send out an SMS text message to your team members that reads:

"Hi everyone! For interest group messaging going forward - which of the following topics are you most interested in receiving announcements or updates? Reply back with any of the following hashtags to be added to each respective group. #sales #marketing #recruiting"

  • The system will add the proper tag to your learners based on their response.

  • An automated reply can request more information.

  • If they send multiple hashtags like "#sales #marketing" they will be tagged with both.

4. New Contact Self-Sorting via SMS

Sales reps can add new leads to ConveYour while also segmenting them into groups.

Example Replies:

  • #sales John → First Name captured

  • #sales John Doe → First & Last Name captured

  • #sales John Doe [email protected] → Full contact info captured

If only #sales is sent, the contact remains anonymous but their mobile number is saved. The system automatically thanks them for reaching out, and prompts them to update their contact information.

A text conversation. Learn how to send an immediate text to a group using an Automation >>

These automated responses are customizable. If you wanted to automatically reach out to new contacts, you could set the automatic response to be something like:

"Great to meet you! Send me a text with #hello and your name to 555-555-5555 and I'll reach out to you with more information!"

ConveYour's Send Text Message scheduling menu.The prospect will receive a reply encouraging them to update their info.

A screenshot text conversation.

Advanced Tag Group Applications

5. Podcast Episode Follow-Ups

Create automated follow up content for your previous episodes based on the content of that episode!

"Hey everyone! Text #ep100 to 555-555-5555 to get episode 100's show notes and a chance to win a free copy of our new book!"

You can then set up a custom automated reply to people who text in.

6. Speaker & Event Lead Capture

A conference speaker offers slides in exchange for contact information.

"Text #influence to 555-555-5555 to receive a copy of my presentation slides!"

  • Attendees self-sort into the "INFLUENCE" Tag Group.

  • Automation sends slides instantly.

Additional Reading: