Prep Social Post

Animated gif showing the ConveYour learner portal.

The perfect launch team tool. Reward your follower's social influence with prepped social posts.

How it works.

  1. You write a social post exactly how you want it to appear on Facebook and Twitter

  2. You enter your URL that you want your participants to share

  3. Participants don't have to do anything but click the Share on Twitter or Share on Facebook buttons.

  4. You reward participants with points for sharing!

  5. You can reward participants for each click their share gets!

Leveraged Launch Teams

Launching a book, event, product, etc? What if you could reward your loyal fans by gamifying their influence? You announce to your loyal fans that you are going to run a contest for the month. You are going to deliver these prepared tweets on a silver platter. All they have to do is share them. They climb the scoring leaderboard! The top 10 influencers at the end of the month get a free ticket to your event, a copy of your book, etc!

Make your content viral.

Sprinkle in prepped social posts into your campaign. Let's say you are running a ConveYour challenge on leadership. Throw in a nice John C. Maxwell quote as your prepped social post body along with a link back to your website with some other great quotes! Instant, increase in influence.


  • You can give a certain amount of points just for sharing

  • You can give a lower amount of points for each unique click their unique URL gets