Add Files

Often, as an instructor, you need to share files with you learners. Typically, it's a workbook, an article, or an image that you would like to share with them.

Using ConveYour's lesson item, "Add File" allows you to add an attached document, PDF or image to your lesson.

Keep in mind the document format that will be easiest for your learners to consume. We recommend the PDF format (portable document format). The PDF became the most widely shared document across all platforms, and the majority of learners can open this type of file. Most people have some type of PDF reader software on their system.

To share an image, the JPG format is the most common, and easy for nearly all learners to open and view.

To add a PDF to your lesson, simply drag the Add Files Lesson item to lesson builder. Then configure it, by adding some introductory text, and then click ADD FILE to upload your document or image by browsing you local drive, select and upload.

Include it with the previous lesson item, or showcase it on it's own by selecting "Start of a new section".

An overview of the engagement formats provided by ConveYour in the Add Files menu of a ConveYour lesson.