Default Campaign

Your default campaign is special. It operates a little bit differently than other campaigns you build.

Your default campaign includes every contact in your system. It gives you an easy to way to start inviting people into your system via a built-in landing page or our text-to-join feature.

The default campaign essentially serves two important roles.

ONE - Capture New Leads on the Fly

Capture new contact information on the fly. Let's say you are just meeting someone that you want to stay connected with. Instead of asking them for a business card, which is likely to get lost, or filed for later... but you never seem to have time for later...

simply ask them to "shoot me a text to this number..." and then give them your unique ConveYour number.

Because they haven't supplied any specific information, ConveYour automatically responds to to them, inviting them to add a few more details about their contact information such as their last name, and email address.

You can also respond directly, as you will see their message in conversations (note that it comes in as an "unknown" at first:

Selecting a contact in ConveYour

TWO - Catch Those Who Made an Error

The second scenario is, to capture individuals into your growing list of contacts, who may have made an error in their attempt to join a campaign. The default campaign helps serve as a "catch-all" solution to add them to your contacts, and alert you.

Let's say you want people who have attended your training event to stay connected or join a follow-up campaign you have created. Now, say you supply your ConveYour number, and ask them to send a text to that number, including a hashtag.

But what if they make a mistake? A typo with the hashtag - or maybe they misunderstood you, and just send any random message to your ConveYour #. As long as they had your ConveYour number right, the default campaign is there to catch them. They still will be added to your contacts, and you are immediately alerted to them reaching out to you. It should also be clear in their message that they have entered something incorrectly. The default campaign, catches them sends a response for you, and you (or an admin) can go in and ensure they are added to the correct campaign.

Learn more about using the hashtag method for sign-up >>

Default Campaign Settings

When you look at your default campaign, you will notice it looks a little bit different. First, sections of the campaign are locked down, as they are managed by the back-end system.

Adding info to a ConveYour campaign

Notice, however, that you can edit the landing page, add a video introduction, and landing page specifications to use strategically as URL where you can send new contacts.

Using the Default Campaign Strategically

Creating a TAG Group to Source New Leads or Contacts at a Specific Event

Use the functionality of the Default Campaign to your advantage, by utilzing a TAG group to capture leads! Say you are a sales professional at a trade show, rather than the dry method of handing someone a business card, ask they to send a #hashtag to your ConveYour number.

Meanwhile in ConveYour, you have set up a TAG group for this particular event, and a automation to encourage them to supply more information. Why? If they reach out to you initially, using the hashtag, all you would receive is a mobile number, and no name. But if you create the TAG group - related to that hashtag - they are essentially "tagging" themselves into a group, AND you can have an ongoing automation created in ConveYour that sends them a text with a link to the Default Campaign landing page in order to supply you with more information (First Name, Last Name and Email). The contact information will be updated with any new information they supply.

The system detects a newcomer to the TAG Group. The automation triggers a text like this (using a "send text" automation):

A text message sent via ConveYour with a request for more information.

And the link included sends them to the Default Campaign's landing page, like this example below where they have included an introductory video for their landing page:

Adding learner information via a form in ConveYour

The landing page settings for the default campaign includes an image or better yet, a video to introduce yourself and your program:

Creating a Landing Page for a ConveYour campaign

Learn more about setting up tag groups here >>

Learn more about scheduling automated texts

Learn more about landing page settings here >>

The Differences Between Default Campaign and Other Campaigns

The default campaign can be used to welcome new contacts into your growing list of prospects or contacts. The Default Campaign should not be used to send content - that can all be created within your re-usable campaigns.

Where do I build out my content and automations?

Default Campaign

You do not build content out in the default campaign. An auto-reply is sent to anyone sending any kind of message to your ConveYour number.

Regular Campaigns

You build engagements within the campaign itself, Campaigns > Content, including scheduling lessons and other messaging like emails and text (SMS) content. One campaign is used to build a single course, challenge, assessment. Content is applied/released only to people registered in the campaign.

Learn more about adding content to campaigns here >>


Really the best way to think about the difference between your special default campaign and other campaigns you build is through these scenarios.

Building a contact list, no campaigns/courses

Scenario : I just want to grow my list. I'm not currently building specific products or courses. I just want to engage with my prospects.

Answer : Invite people to send a text to your ConveYour number. The system auto-replies, encouraging them to fill out more contact information for you, AND you will be alerted when someone new has joined your community and reached out to you. Use conversations to reply to them and engage with them!

If you use ConveYour to collect leads and new contacts, and you want to automatically sort them into a group:

  • Create a Group associated with the TAG you want prospects or new contacts to use to reach out to you.

  • Create a "Send Text" Automation that is ongoing that detects any newcomers to the group, and sends them the welcome text with the URL/link to the default campaign's landing page. (Where they can supply more information)

Learn more about TAG Groups here>>

Post speaking 14 day challenge (regular campaign/course)

Scenario : I'm a speaker and I want to setup a post-speaking 14 day challenge where each day attendees receive a new question.

Answer : Build a separate, course/campaign with your 14 days of follow-up content, and have your attendees join in using either the hashtag method or a landing page URL. This way you can easily stagger out the questions in your challenge to release in a dripped sequence, one engagement per day. You'll be able to "productize" that challenge by turning it into a template and run it for other speaking events or companies.

Learn more about Invite Tools>>

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