
Conversations in ConveYour offers you a visual messaging manager designed to help you track recent messages and responses.

The logic will be familiar, like a text messaging app you have on your mobile device.

Why would I use this instead of my text messaging app?

ConveYour conversations is targeted at managing your business-specific conversations, and without using your personal mobile number. For example, if you use ConveYour to manage prospects, or employees - you can keep your work life separate. You also have the ability to block and unblock messages from specific senders - which is helpful for unwanted SPAM messaging!

In addition, administrators and other key personnel can be added to your account to help manage your account, respond to requests, and manage your contacts.

Some key features in conversations include:

  • new Presence feature makes it easy to see which user or admin is "working" a conversation.

  • keystroke - use the keys: [shift + return/enter] to send messages

  • better media support for images and video

  • better snippet search and quick navigation

  • filter and search by topic or person

  • ability to drag and drop media files (such as images or video) to enhance your conversation

  • conversations threads are separated by the original sender - for those companies who are using teams

Use the conversations tool, like you would any other texting app AND ALSO know that you can:

  • use snippets to re-use frequently used standard replies like an address, or follow-up notes

  • use placeholders to pull in data from the contact database, such as their name, location or company name - to save you time and personalize the message, (and ensure you spelled it correctly!)

  • view contact information while messaging them

  • view stats to check delivery of sent messages - ensure the message was received!

  • take a picture or record video plus instant access to any of your shared social media

  • include relevant web links, or search the web for relevant info to include

  • use the filter to find specific conversations

Conversations inbox too full? Simply hover on an older conversation to reveal a checkmark next to the organizing left side tab. Click on the checkmark to archive the conversation! You don't lose that information - and you can still search for that conversation, it's simply stored with your account.

Archiving a message in ConveYour conversations.closeout or archive this conversation - click check

Receiving SPAM messages and need to block a sender? Block those messages! Let's say you receive a message that is unwanted and unnecessary. You can block that sender! When you receive a message that is obviously SPAM. Click on that contact's context menu on the far right of the conversations dialogue box, simply choose Block Incoming Messages:

Blocking messages from a contact in ConveYour.Block future incoming messages - from contacts context menu

And if, for some reason, you blocked this contact by mistake, you can also unblock their messages:

Unblocking incoming messages from a contact in ConveYour.Unblock messages from contact's context menu

Assigning Conversations to Another Team Member

Assigning conversations to others, allows you to divvy up your rep conversations to responders. This helps individual responders close out conversation tasks more easily.

First - you need an account where "teams" are enabled.

  • Assigned Threads are enabled automatically for any account with access to teams.

  • Teams are required because it really only makes sense to assign users to conversations where the conversation is shared amongst team members. (a big benefit to teams).

  • You can assign a conversation to any admin (because all admins have access to all teams) as well as any guest who has been assigned to the team.

There are two ways to assign users to a conversation.

1) Hover over the thread on the left hand side menu and select a conversation, then click the person icon at the top. A User assignment will pop-up, select users and click “assign” at the bottom.

Conversations menu in ConveYour.Assign another to the conversation by clicking the +person icon

2) OR: in the conversation itself, click the person icon to open the assignments popup.

How do I know who is assigned to a conversation?

Viewing who is assigned to a conversation in ConveYour.hover over to see who is assigned. Initials are also visible

  • The initials of each assigned user will appear within the conversation thread menu. You can hover over the initials to get the user’s full name.

Can I un-assign myself (or others) from a conversation?

  • Yes, follow the same steps you take to assign a user, and then uncheck you or the other user(s) you want to un-assign.

Does the recipient know who is assigned to a conversation?

  • No, not even within portal messaging.

Can I filter the conversation/threads list to just the conversations assigned to me or another user?

  • Yes! Click on the 3 vertical line, funnel icon on the top of the conversations/threads list.

  • Use the assigned to filter to set your filter.

How will I know if I’ve received another assigned conversation?

  • There are no email alerts as of yet.

  • Assignment changes, however, are done in “real-time” so if your browser is on the conversations page and someone assigns you to a conversation, you will immediately see this change.

If two people are assigned to the same conversation, how do you make sure they don’t accidentally both engage?

  • ConveYour already has a “presence” system that helps two users avoid talking over each other. When someone is “on the conversation”, the message box will tell you this, so as to avoid mishaps.

Adding Media to Your Conversation

Multimedia enhances your conversation!

Drag and Drop

Add images / pictures to your text, or small video files to your conversation by dragging and dropping the media from your system to the conversations interface.

When you drag a media file to the conversations interface, the screen will darken and you are prompted to "Drop file here!"

This actions opens the media manager, where you can crop and manage the media to add to your conversation.

Conversations Tool Bar

The ^ icon allows you to maximize or minimize the conversation message composing area.

Adding images or video to a message in ConveYour.Add image or video to your text

The "camera icon" in the conversations toolbar opens the media manager by Filestack. View options of links, video, and your connected social media accounts, so that you can include media in your message (shown below):

Uploading files to a message in ConveYour.Upload or select image or record video on the fly!

Once an image is added, you can crop, encircle, or rotate the image and then click save (to save your edits):

Cropping an image to add to ConveYour.Then click "upload" to upload your image to the conversation:

Uploading an image to a message in ConveYour.The conversations interface lets you know the attachment is ready - and will be sent along with your next typed message when you click "SEND":

An image successfully attached to a message in ConveYour.If you send out a message to numerous recipients, you can also view stats to see who has seen the message and the percentage of views:

Viewing image stats in ConveYour.The "clipboard" icon lets you select from your saved snippets in order to include oft-repeated information into this message.

The {...} icon will access placeholders and enhance your ability to personalize the message, when sending to multiple persons, or include your fields like "company name" into your message (if you are feeling lazy).

Visit Conversations from the primary ConveYour navigation and get started by sending yourself a message!

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