Registration & Confirmations

How do I inform learners that they have a course?

In this documentation we will cover:

  • Setting up welcome text messages

  • Setting up welcome email messages

  • Best practices when to use one or the other

How do I send a text to welcome learners to the course?

From main menu Campaigns > Registration and Confirmation

ConveYour Campaign Registration and Confirmation.Start by setting your mobile-friendly text message. The key to this first welcome message is to keep it short. For example, in the Android interface, if you send more than 160 characters then your message will be broken down in to chunks of 153 characters before being sent to the recipient's handset. In other words, your message will get broken into multiple bits. Not ideal.

ConveYour provides some of the base information you need in the default text. Note the and /help/campaigns-registration-confirmations in the screenshot below:

Setting up a welcome text for a ConveYour Campaign.The curly brackets indicate placeholders that pull the correct data into your message. is not required, but pulls in the public name you provided for this course/campaign. /help/campaigns-registration-confirmations pulls the unique address for each participant into the text message.

You can reword this text to suit your situation. Further, you can personalize the message by using the placeholder to pull the contact's name into your message.

Learn more about using placeholders >>

The goal of this first message is to welcome them and encourage them to click through to engage with content in their portal.

What if I don't want to send a welcome text?

Leave the text message field empty if you prefer not to send a welcome text. Select all of the message in the text field, delete, and that message will not be sent. Instead, the email option will be used. Leave both text and email blank if you want neither option to be used.

Using Snippets and Placeholder in ConveYour Campaign welcome texts.Alternatively, you can use an automation to join contacts to a campaign, and set custom messages related to that scheduled automation. Learn more about automations >>

How might I send an email to invite learners to engage with their course?

Alternatively, you can use an email to inform learners about the course. In some cases, a text message may feel too abrupt, particularly to learners who are not expecting to receive a text message. In this case, it can be helpful to send a welcome email instead. It's also good practice to prepare an email - even when you would prefer the text message welcome - in case the contact has not provided a mobile number, or when there is a problem with the mobile number provided.

ConveYour defaults to sending the mobile message first, then will send an email when the system detects a delivery issue with the text, or when the text welcome message has been left blank.

Set your email subject line.

Email subject lines are somewhat tricky because words like "new" and exuberant punctuation such as an exclamation point (!) can get flagged as spam. You want to inform, invite, and entice, but not scream that there is a course ready for them to engage with.

By default, the subject simply states Welcome to...

Setting up a welcome email in a ConveYour Campaign.If you leave the subject line blank - by deleting the default text - you can prevent this email from being sent.

Sometimes it's helpful to provide more information about the course in the email. You can do so in this welcome email (if this is your preferred method) or you can include an EMAIL as your first content item with the campaign content list.

By default, a minimal amount of text is provided. Customize this text by using the basic tools provided. You can add images, and again - be sure to include the /help/campaigns-registration-confirmations in the email to their portal, otherwise, they will have no way to enter the course:

When should I use Text over Email or vice versa?

ConveYour's Micro-Learning environment works really well with mobile device delivery. AND the response rate will be higher than sending messaging via email.

Research shows that SMS open rates are as high as 98%, compared to just 20% of all emails. And, on average, it takes 90 seconds for someone to respond to a text and 90 minutes to respond to an email. (source: Campaign Monitor

That said - text messaging can be the most direct and immediate way of reaching your audience "where they live" on their mobile!

In some scenarios, your recipient list may include people from multiple locations and multiple time-zones. If reaching people around the world and time-zones are your concern, then it may be more prudent to use the email method for alerts.

And there are ways to pave the way for emails to get through, such as whitelisting your URL or adding your contact information to a trusted sender list on the recipient's end. Reach out to us to learn more best practices on email delivery vs. mobile, or if you have specific questions.

Other Sections >>

Campaign First Steps

Adding Information

Add Content and Lessons

Adding Learners or Contacts

Registration and Confirmations

Landing Page Information

Learner Portal Options

Timing Options

Billing Information

Invite Tools

Stats and Metrics

Scheduling Content

Testing Your Campaign
