Content Scheduling Considerations

When you first setup your campaign, you are invited to determine whether you want your campaign to be based on individual join date, or based on a specific start date like an event, where everyone must be on the same page and going through the course at the same time.

ConveYour campaign content release scheduling options.

ConveYour offers you a few different options for scheduling content. "Content" can include lessons, messages, information, emails, challenges, or questions that you include in your campaign.

Based on Individual Join Date

Choose this option if you want to delay the release of content based on when someone joins a campaign instead of the date the campaign starts.

EXAMPLE: Setting up a drip campaign where each contact receives a sequence of emails or lessons based on when they joined the campaign.


  • You create a campaign with two lessons. The alerts are set to go out via email to inform participants to jump in and view the lesson.

  • You select "Delay Release from Join Date" for both lessons.

  • Lesson one is set to go out 1 day after someone joins

  • Lesson two is set to go out 2 days after someone joins, etc.

So if you launch your campaign on Sunday night

When John joins your campaign on Sunday. He would receive a welcome confirmation message from the campaign. On Monday, he receives his first email or lesson, and the second email or lesson on Tuesday.

When Sally joins your campaign on Monday, she gets a welcome confirmation message from the campaign. Then, on Tuesday she receives her first email or lesson and her second email or lesson on Wednesday.

Therefore the flow and experience is the same for both users.

An example of how ConveYour automation and scheduling works.

When you are adding content to your course/campaign - each individual piece of content has a timing release.

Learn More about Adding/Scheduling individual pieces of content >>

Delay Release from Campaign Start Date

Choose this Timing field option if you want to delay the release of content based on the date the campaign starts, related to a specific event or hard start date.

Examples of why you would want to use this option ...

  • Making sure everyone has access to the same campaign questions regardless of when they start

  • Events or team training where everyone should be on the same page

You want to release questions, emails, text messages, etc. based on when you set the campaign to start. For example - say you are speaking at an event and you want to make sure everyone has access to the same set of released questions no matter when they decide to join the campaign, and you desire the audience to all be on the same page.


  • You create a campaign with two SMS or text messages.

  • You select "Delay from Campaign Start Date" for both triggers.

  • message 1 is set to go out 1 day after the campaign starts (regardless of join time)

  • message 2 is set to go out 2 days after the campaign starts (regardless of join time)

  • You launch your campaign on Sunday night

  • John joins your campaign on Monday -

  • He receives his first message immediately (because that's Sunday + 1) and the second message on Tuesday (Sunday + 2)

  • But Sally joins your campaign on Tuesday

  • She receives both messages in a row, released to her because both questions met the delay criteria. Now Sally is caught up to everyone else who is receiving messages from the campaign.

(Note: we do have a system for not flooding late joiners with SMS & email messages released earlier in the campaign for others). But it is important to use this method sparingly when you expect most participants to sign up around the same date - perhaps scheduled around a specific event.

Release on a Specific Day

Content is set to be released specific to an event or planning for a specific date of delivery.


  • You are a public speaker and you have a number of event attendees who signed up for the ConveYour campaign when they signed up for the event. You may have a polling question set to go out the day before the event to gauge audience opinion on a topic before you speak.

  • As a business owner, you have created a quarterly check-in that you want to send out specific to quarterly reports.

  • Perhaps you have a holiday message that may need to be set to go out on a specific holiday date.

Release Immediately

Content is set to be released immediately, as soon as a participant signs up for a campaign.


  • You have free value you want to offer your tribe. As soon as the participant signs up, they receive the freebie - perhaps it's an instructional video, words of wisdom, or other gifts of your content.

  • You want to provide further information about the campaign, as soon as they sign-up. This might be a piece of content that releases immediately after they receive their confirmation message with a link to their campaign portal.

  • For all campaigns where timing is not an issue, and your participants should receive all content upon sign-up.

  • Maybe you have a series of video lessons, and you want to allow the user to "binge-watch" all.

Learn More

Campaign First Steps

Adding Information

Add Content and Lessons

Adding Learners or Contacts

Registration and Confirmations

Landing Page Information

Learner Portal Options

Timing Options

Billing Information

Invite Tools

Stats and Metrics

Scheduling Content

Testing Your Campaign
