
This section covers the options available to you for charging customers for your fantastic learning experience!

Can I charge for my courses?

Yes - and we use STRIPE integration for connecting the dots - from your ConveYour course to your bank account.

How do I charge for my course?

  • First - you need to make sure you have a STRIPE account. Visit STRIPE and start your account.

  • Second - you will setup your "product" in Stripe and assign a price and/or coupons

Stripe charges a percentage of your sale for the convenience of using their service. View Stripe pricing for more details.

ConveYour integrates with Stripe. Coupons and Subscription models will require Stripe integration.

1) Setup your Stripe Integration

You can find Stripe Integrations within Settings > Integrations > Stripe:

The ConveYour Integrations Page

Select Stripe and Click "Connect". Connect your Stripe account with ConveYour :

Click CONNECT and follow the instructions to connect your STRIPE account with ConveYour

2) Set your Billing for your Campaign

Think of your course as a product. In retail, each product has a unique SKU # (sales unit number). A similar approach is take with STRIPE. You will setup a "product" and copy the unique identifier with pricing information for that product.

In STRIPE you will need to setup a one-time charge, name that price, and then you will be able to create your Stripe Plan ID for that particular "product". This plan ID will be used in the campaign settings for this course.

Now you can set up Billing for your campaign/course. From Campaigns - go to Billing.

click on Setup Billing

Then enter your price, currency type, and your Stripe plan ID here:

Setting up billing in ConveYour. Set Price, Currency, and Stripe plan IDOnce your account is connected, you can always go in to edit your account by selecting Update Billing, or make it a Free Course:

The billing screen in ConveYour.

Subscription Billing

You can also setup your course to run in a monthly subscription model! In the Stripe Plan ID field, enter one of your valid plan ID's. This is great for offering your participants a trial period to interact with your content before committing to a larger investment.

Coupons and Promotions

Learn more about setting up coupons for your course in STRIPE >>

Other Sections >>

Campaign First Steps

Adding Information

Add Content and Lessons

Adding Learners or Contacts

Registration and Confirmations

Landing Page Information

Learner Portal Options

Timing Options

Billing Information

Invite Tools

Stats and Metrics

Scheduling Content

Testing Your Campaign
