Quick Message Blasts to Campaign Members

NOTE: This documentation was developed for an earlier version of ConveYour. An easy way to schedule an automated message to a specific group is to use an automation!

In this tutorial you'll learn how to quickly send a blast message to everyone in your ConveYour course or campaign.

Example use cases:

  • You just finished running a 10 day ConveYour challenge/campaign and you want to send a quick message thanking everyone.

  • You are currently running a campaign and you want to do a quick PSA via text message.

  • You wish to personally welcome all new hires to a meet and greet opportunity.

  • You saw some encouraging results come in during your workshop you are running as a ConveYour campaign and you want to quickly share the results with the other participants.

How is this different from setting up email & sms messages within my campaign?

If you have already setup a ConveYour campaign, you know that you can schedule SMS & Email messages to go out as part of your campaign. However, the way we will show you below is a just a little better when you want to send quick email & sms blasts to everyone in a campaign and avoid some of the details that go into setting up an email or sms trigger WITHIN a campaign.

Send a quick email or sms blast to your campaign members.

Click on the person icon/Contacts from your campaign's menu.

You are now looking at a list of contacts filtered by your desired campaign. Click on the green menu icon at the bottom left-hand corner of the contact sheet.

Next select New Group

Give your Group a descriptive name

Next, simply select "Create Group" at the bottom right of the attributes panel. The attributes are already pulling the associated campaign number from which you started creating your group.

Now go to groups

So now, what you have is a group (a smart dynamic list of contacts) pointing only to your campaign members from your larger list of contacts. Select "Send Message" from your group's menu to start composing a message to everyone in your campaign! Sending on-the-go messages to your members is super easy now!