Getting Started FAQ

How do I change my password?

You can change your password from within your user profile under settings.
How to Change Your Password

I forgot my password! How do I reset it?

Your password can be reset by clicking the "forgot password link" in the log-in box
Resetting a user's password in ConveYour.

How do I add other users (such as an admin) to the system?

You can add new users by clicking settings

How to Add New Users

Automatic Group Creation on Import of Contacts

How do I add my contacts to the system?

You can add contacts by simply uploading a .csv file
Importing Contacts

How do I add contacts to my course/campaign?

We recommend creating a group, and using an automation to add contacts to a course/campaign. And - don't forget when you upload contacts - that upload is automatically grouped!

How do I start building a campaign?

A campaign is a “folder” that holds your lessons, messaging, and other engagements. Get started here:
Campaign Setup

How does a user experience ConveYour from a mobile device?

Understanding what a user experiences from their point of view can help you develop your engagements or triggers for a campaign.
User's ConveYour Portal

Customize Learner Portal

What's an engagement format? What's a 'Lesson Item'?

ConveYour offers multiple learning engagements within lessons. The learning engagements add variety to your courses, while simultaneously addressing different learning styles. These "engagements" are Lesson Items that are added to lessons as you build your course/campaign. Find out more here:

Engagement Formats or "Lesson Items" in ConveYour

Getting Started with Lessons

Can I automate text messaging and other content?

Yes! You can use automations to schedule text messaging, email blasts and other content, send out new lessons, or perform "hidden" tasks such as adding groups of people to a course/campaign.

How do I setup a group from my contacts?

You can set up a group in order to message a smaller segment of your contacts, or to receive interactive content. You can even create a group and add them to a specific campaign, made only for that segment of your contacts. Learn more:

Setting Up Groups

And - don't forget when you upload contacts - that upload is automatically grouped!

How do I create a new lesson?

Add a new lesson to a campaign! Learn all about creating and releasing lessons to learners.

How do I invite people to my course?

Using Invite Tools you can easily add people to your course. You can also Import contacts, create a group and use an automation to add them to your course.

How do I view statistics and results from my course?

View the overall level of engagement for a course over time by looking at the engagement funnel. Check the statistics and results from the campaign in "Stats".

How do I view my account setup?

View your Profile in Settings > Profile. View your business information and address in Settings > Other Settings

How do I cancel my account?

Please email: [email protected] with the subject line: cancel and our team will work with you to cancel your account, and ensure you have an exported list of contacts from your account.

You mean this isn't the security review software?

You're thinking of Conveyor! is a fantastic software review software service, and sometimes people go there looking for us, and vice versa.