Team Admins, Guests, and Adding New Users

This documentation is all about adding internal resources, employees, admins and others who will be contributing to the building and maintenance of your campaigns.

From the settings menu, select Users

Viewing Users in ConveYour.Add a User

On the right, above the list of contributors, select New User:

Adding a New User in ConveYour.Invite User, by entering the new user's information

Inviting a new user to the guest role in ConveYour.Select the user role as either guest or admin.

Admins will have full access to the entire system, your campaigns, and conversations. They can create campaigns, groups, metrics, and they can be assigned as an owner of a campaign. They also have the ability to add/delete contacts. A use-case for an "admin" user would be someone from your team in tech support who is helping you to build campaigns, and manage your contacts and conversations.

Guest users can be limited to seeing only certain groups of contacts. Guest users can edit/view contact data that admins have given them access to. Guest users can not delete any of your contacts by default. Guest users can not view or adjust your campaigns. They also do not have the ability to view groups or create new groups (unless they are part of a TEAM). They also can not edit their own profile or change any of the permission settings there. You will need to set up their profile for them.

Then click "Invite" An email will be sent to them asking them to participate, and set a password for themselves.

A use-case for Guest User might be adding an assistant as a Guest User who has the ability to manage your conversations, and respond if that's appropriate for them to do so. The assistant would also have the ability to export a .csv list (spreadsheet) of your contacts.

Updating the User Profile

By clicking the user/contributor profile card, you can adjust settings for the user as an owner/admin. For guest users, you will need to update permission settings for them, as they will not have access to their own profile or to change permission settings.

Settings and Permissions

- Owners and Admins can update permission settings for guest users.

- Owners can update permissions for Admins.

By default Guest Users can not update campaigns or automations.

An admin and owner can click on the name or card of the guest user to view their profile, and then scroll down to click Update Permissions:

Viewing a guest user in ConveYour.Roles and Permissions

Under permissions, select View Permissions. (see graphic below notifications)
As an owner or system admin, you can change/update your own permissions. The owner can update permissions for everyone. The owner or admin can set permissions for all guests. (At the time of this writing, admins can also still set their own permissions. However we may add an additional level of admin -  a "system admin" - who will have all abilities as the owner, and "admins" who may have some limitations in their permissions.)

As an owner or admin, in the guest's profile, you can update the permissions of the guest. Set Permissions for the contact list by selecting (slider) what this contributor can do (slider at green) or not do (slider is on the left and greyed out).

An Admin, for example, may choose to allow a Guest User to view contacts, and view reports, but not add or delete contacts, and deny access to making lesson updates:

User Permissions menu in ConveYour.Turning on sent message reports in ConveYour.Switching off Lessons access in ConveYour for a guest user.Notifications

Email Notifications

Will this contributor be responsible for responding to all incoming messaging? If so, select the radio button for "All incoming messages". If not, then select either "incoming sent only to me" (meaning only emails meant for this user), or none if you do not want to grant them email access.

Push Notifications

Does this contributor need to be alerted from the system where there are updates, or new course information, or alerts/confirmations from the campaigns? If not, leave this unchecked.


Does this contributor need to receive continual updates when the contacts/learners complete something in their training course? Should this contributor be alerted when any new/existing contact reaches out via SMS (text) message? If so, then be sure to check the appropriate Notifications to turn them "on", otherwise, leave unchecked for "off".

Changing notifications settings for a guest user in ConveYour.Delete User

In the user profile, select the top right button "Delete User" to remove someone who is no longer contributing.

Changing Email or Password

You can change your own preferred email and your password. Click on the context menu for your user profile card.

Change Password and Change Email Contact options in ConveYour.Selecting "Change Password" calls up the dialogue box for you to reset your password here. Enter the password update, and SUBMIT.

Changing a user's password in ConveYour.What if I forgot my password?

Learn how to update your password when you forget >>