Microlearning for Post Event Follow Up

Show your clients you are more than just a fly-in, fly-out consultant.

Increase speaking fees by helping customers “make good” on speaking fee investment. Build your online marketing funnel through offline speaking activities! So many speakers get wrapped up in becoming an online sales growth-hacker.

When, what they could be doing to sell their online content, is by collecting more information from attendees! Help keep your content top of mind for the attendees, teach them, and then convert them into loyal followers through your follow-up activities.

Stephen Shapiro's landing page which links to ConveYour.Add more value to your speaking services. Show that you are more than just a fly-in, speak, fly-out type of person.

ConveYour courses can be copied and fired up for each individual event very quickly. So after the initial investment of building the course to support an event, the course has nominal admin costs but high revenue opportunity in duplication going forward.

Use challenge questions to reinforce key concepts from speeches by quizzing attendees of “what they should already know” content. Then back-fill the right answers with video.

Use polls to help you get a better sense of your audience (pre or post). Set whether or not you want attendees to see how their responses compare to the other responses.

Use polls, and assessments to gather feedback on your delivery or content.

Help the company you spoke for help themselves by incorporating their content or call to action into your course.

Setup data trackers for audience members to keep track of a new behavior they learned about in your talk. The audience can gauge how well they are doing by receiving points for successfully completing a desired behavior, and recording it using ConveYour's stats tracker.