
ConveYour offers Spotio integration, to help you train, vet and onboard your sales reps and team members. This integration assists you in onboarding, training and retraining your reps, with seamless integration with your Spotio resource management tool.

Here’s how to set up Spotio integration in ConveYour

  1. Copy the App Key from your Spotio account

  2. Go to Main Menu > Integrations > Open the Spotio integration in ConveYour

  3. Paste the Client ID and the App Key "Secret" into the fields provided (so ConveYour and Spotio can communicate).

The ConveYour integrations pageGo to integrations, click on Spotio

Setting up a SPOTIO Integration in ConveYourEnter your Client ID and Secret App Key from Spotio

Once this is done, you can send rep info to Spotio with an Automation, that fires AFTER they have completed the initial onboarding and training steps in ConveYour.

Here’s a scenario where you might employ this:

You need to bring 30 new reps onboard. They have signed their initial paperwork.

Now you need preliminary training to occur…but this needs to take place BEFORE you add them to your primary rep management tool.

Because you often have to pay per profile in your rep management tool, a certain amount of vetting and training needs to take place before you commit all 30 of them into your primary system.

This is where ConveYour helps. ConveYour can:

  1. Check that proper documentation is signed (use our DocuSign integration!)

  2. Release training to the reps with signed agreements (by creating a group based on their completing the DocuSign Lesson)

  3. Automates the process of sending rep profiles to Spotio

See Also:


Creating Groups Based on Behavior