How to Set Up Your SignWell Template in ConveYour

ConveYour has a Signwell integration where learners can complete agreements seamlessly in their learner portals. Integrating is an easy and brief process. Check out this video where We show you step-by-step how.

  1. Set up a SignWell Account. You can do so by signing up here!

  2. Connect your SignWell account to ConveYour with your API Key (follow the steps in this video).

    • If you can't see SignWell on your Integrations area in ConveYour, let our Support team know by reaching out to [email protected] (or use the support chat box in your account).

  3. Once in your SignWell account, navigate to “templates” and create a new template with any doc you need to be signed for rep onboarding, training, etc.

  4. In a template, certain fields relating to ConveYour MUST be used in order to correctly link to the document with a lesson in ConveYour and contact profiles.

    In the SignWell template, boxes have an API id that needs to match the “metadata” placeholder(lefthand side column) in ConveYour.

    ConveYour advanced settings.

  5. Grab the template id from the last section of your SignWell template URL and drop it into the “template id” metadata placeholder (lefthand side).

    Getting the URL from a Signwell document.

  6. Enter “Button text” as it is displayed in SignWell.

  7. Only change “test_mode” to “false” when you are done editing the SignWell document.

  8. Add metadata for ANY other fields you will be injected into ConveYour from the document.

Check out our Blog post to see the user's experience!