
ConveYour offers SSO functionality for both contacts (aka learners) accessing their Learner Portal as well as Users (all roles) attempting to log in to ConveYour's backend.

Benefits of Okta Integration into an LMS

  • Seamless login experience

  • Single sign-on (SSO) functionality

  • Enhanced security


As of 08-11-22, ConveYour does not have a ConveYour Integration in the Okta Integration Catalog. You will need to set up a new application in your Okta account.

  1. Creating the Application

    From the main menu, go to applications. Then click on 'Create App Integration'.

    The OKTA Applications interface, highlighting the Select OIDC - OpenID Connect from the popup.

    Adding an integration in OKTA, highlighting Select "Web Application" for Application Type

    Selecting the Follow the instructions in the video below to setup the application.

New App Integration Values with Examples

  • Logo: Download your ConveYour Logo Here

  • App Integration Name: ConveYour

  • Client Type (If client is acting on behalf of itself): Client Credentials should be unchecked

  • Client Type (If client is acting on behalf of a user): Only the "Authorization Code" should be checked

  • Sign-In Redirect URIs: https://app.conveyour.com/okta

  • Controlled Access: You Decide

2. Provide Okta Connection Details

Once you have created your ConveYour Okta application, you need to provide certain information to the ConveYour Support team so that we can enable the Okta integration on your Organization's account. Please use this link to a Jotform to provide us with the Okta connection details.

3. ConveYour Team Setup

Once we have received your connection details, we will install those details into your ConveYour organization's account. We will then reach out to your PoC to test the setup and confirm successful integration.

4. How to retrieve a ConveYour Contact by Okta EmployeeId or other special claim

5. How to archive ConveYour Contact when the Okta profile is deactivated.


Do you integrate with Okta's SCIM feature for automatically updating a ConveYour roster with Okta profiles? As of August '22, not yet. But we have plans to in the future.

Can Okta be turned on just for the backend and not for the Learner Portal users and vice versa? Yes

Once the integration is turned on do you enforce the use of Okta instead of password-based logins? Yes, once Okta is turned on, users have no other way to authenticate.