Integrations FAQ
Do you integrate with landing page tools?
Yes! Many landing page tools, including ClickFunnels, LeadPages, and Kickoff Labs, make it easy to integrate with ConveYour. We can assist you in getting your landing page submissions into ConveYour—just reach out for help.
Additionally, our Zapier Integration makes working with landing page software even easier.
Do you integrate with DocuSign for signing contracts or other documents?
Yes! You can use DocuSign with ConveYour to streamline your signing and onboarding process. Learn More About Our DocuSign Integration >>
Can you integrate with my email marketing platform?
Yes! Through our Zapier integration, you can:
Automatically add new ConveYour campaign registrants to Drip, Mailchimp, AWeber, and more.
Add contacts from a Kit (formerly ConvertKit) form directly into ConveYour.
Sync and update registration info between ConveYour and your email platform.
Do you integrate with Stripe to sell courses and challenges?
Yes! ConveYour allows you to connect to Stripe in just a few clicks, enabling you to start selling your courses, challenges, and assessments right away.
Do you have an API?
Yes! ConveYour provides multiple APIs depending on your needs:
JavaScript Analytics API
Designed for browser-based, front-end site integrations.
Helps identify users visiting your membership portal or website.
Enables tracking of user behavior and milestone events.
Analytics REST API
Allows you to add and update contacts in ConveYour.
Records events related to a contact.
Includes two primary methods: identify and track.
Provides extensive access to virtually all resources in your ConveYour account.
For documentation and assistance, contact support.