Customize Portal Theme Per Individual Learner
Video Aspect Ratios

In this video, ConveYour CEO Stephen Rhyne explains how different video aspect ratios can impact engagement in your ConveYour Lessons.
New Conversations Settings

FOUR new settings options for our Conversations feature. These are designed to help you get the desired responses from your reps.
The Activity Feed in ConveYour

Use the Activity Feed to view learner progress and audience engagement, or create a brand new group based on learner activities within ConveYour.
Zapier Scenarios that Work With ConveYour

A breakdown of how ConveYour's Zapier integration can be used to help you recruit, train, and retain your reps.
Using Typeform to Collect Data

Gather valuable data using the Typeform and Zapier integrations in ConveYour. Learn how to unlock even more powerful insights by integrating with these tools.
Understanding Audience High-Level Engagement

Understand learner progress in your courses to develop better content over time. Identify drop-off points and build quality exams within ConveYour.
Stripe Gateway and Coupons with ConveYour

Connect stripe to your ConveYour account to sell your courses. After setting up a payment gateway your sales will get deposited into your account.
SMS Catchall Feature

Learn how to use ConveYour to catch all contacts that text your account phone number. Collecting contacts via text messaging reduces friction.
Sell Your Content - Full Video Tutorial

Watch us set up a course to sell in 12 minutes. Selling your intellectual property in ConveYour is a safe, easy, and quick way to monetize your content.
Placeholders Basics

Use placeholders to personalize your message. Learn how to use placeholders to pull data from your contact list into your messages.
Getting Started With Conversations

Learn how to manage conversations for an easy SMS texting experience in ConveYour. Search conversations, archive threads, and see who is online!
Forgotten Password

Learn how to reset you ConveYour password. 1. Go to /login 2. Select forgot password 3. Enter your email 4. Check your email for a reset password link
Engagement Funnel

Understand how learners engage with your courses/campaigns. The Engagement Funnel gives you a snapshot of learner engagement in all lessons.
Easy SMS Campaigns Trigger Setup

Easily create a 7-day SMS campaign in ConveYour. Engage learners with personalized text messages that drive results and improve connections.
Dynamic Linking

Need to send your learner to a ConveYour Lesson or Campaign? In this quick video walkthrough you'll learn the functionality of your ConveYour URL line.
Customize Portal Theme Per Individual Learner

Elevate your brand with ConveYour's customization features. Customize logos, themes, and colors within the learner portal.
Conversations Management

Text prospects, customers, and employees using ConveYour's Conversations Manager. See what sets our Conversations Manager apart from ordinary texting apps.
Adaptive Learning Through Text Messaging

A brief video highlighting a shortcut to create Text Automations for Adaptive Learning based who has a completed a lesson.
Accessing ConveYour Reports Data Via API

CEO Stephen Rhyne breaks down how you can use ConveYour's REST API to access a wide range of reporting within the ConveYour system.